Inpatient residential addiction treatment is the type of treatment most people think of when they think of rehab. It is typically a comprehensive 30, 60, or 90 day treatment program where the client lives in the facility for the duration of their program. Inpatient residential treatment provides around the clock structure and support to patients being that the staff and clients live in house together. This type of rehab typically takes place in a residential setting. It can range from houses located in suburban neighborhoods, to a farm house located on a ranch, and even includes luxury spa like retreats. The patient will live in a home-like environment for the duration of their rehabilitation stay. Many residential treatment centers train their staff members to provide a familial environment to their clients. The relationship between staff and client feels more family like, then clinical. Residential inpatient rehab provides each patient with the needed structure and comprehensive support system they need to achieve recovery. Many clients gain the needed education and healthy coping mechanisms needed for long term sobriety after completing a residential program.
While attending rehab in a residential setting patients are asked to participate in daily groups, activities, and psycho-therapy sessions. These therapy sessions include; individual and group counseling, focused educational sessions, life skills group, and self-help participation group. Many facilities offer multiple recreational activities for clients to participate in. Some of the more common ones include; yoga, surfing, exercise classes, group outings, and swimming. Many rehabilitation centers also offer alternative therapy methods such as; sand tray therapy, IV vitamin therapy, holistic treatment options, and different types of medicinal options to aid in recovery. The variety of different modalities will allow facilities to meet the individual needs of many different clients. It is important that each client feel that their unique needs are being met so they are able to have the best chance at recovery.
During the rehabilitation phase of addiction treatment the patient will explore and address the underlying factors that have influenced their addiction. Many times the reasons that someone uses drugs or alcohol is to cover a deep pain that has been repressed internally. It is usually a traumatic event that has caused extreme anxiety or depression in their lives. Another common reason that clients are struggling with substance abuse it because they are trying to self-medicate an undiagnosed mental illness. Instead of working through their trauma or mental health issues in a healthy way, they turn to drugs or alcohol to find immediate relief. Once a person has successfully gone through detox, they will need to identify the reason for their addiction. Then they will need to attend therapy to work through the unresolved emotions that are surrounding the underlying issues. While in therapy clients will also learn new and healthy ways to cope with daily stressors. Which will serve as alternatives to using drugs and alcohol as coping mechanisms.
One of the more popular alternative therapies in today’s addiction world is sand tray therapy. Many residential rehabilitation centers have added it to their repertoire of addiction therapies. Sand tray is an expressive, nonverbal communication tool that gives voice to feelings that are otherwise hard to articulate. The soothing aspect of sand tray therapy communicates a safe environment which encourages openness during therapy sessions. What makes sand tray therapy so unique is that talking is not necessary to make progress and communicate. It is a highly effective therapeutic technique that can often prove successful where other types of therapy have fallen short. Many addicts have experienced some form of trauma throughout their lifetime. Many times this trauma is part of the root cause of why they use. The non-verbal and symbolic nature of the sand tray makes an excellent medium for expression and exploration. Clients are often able to access deep-seated emotions, memories, and experiences that they otherwise keep repressed. Sand tray therapy is an excellent tool that allows addicts to express internalized thoughts and feelings. Clients are then able to work through them in a manner that is less disruptive. Many clients prefer this non-verbal form of communication for therapy sessions.
Residential addiction treatment creates a structured living environment where patients can thrive during rehabilitation and recovery. Many clients find this type of rehab comfortable and feel secure in their environment. The larger goal of inpatient addiction treatment is to prepare an individual for acclimation back into society. For the clients to become a contributing and successful member of their previous life. Treatment is only considered successful when the patient has re-entered society and is addiction free. The daily structure that inpatient rehab provides teaches clients how to live their daily life without the use of drugs or alcohol. After completing treatment they are able to confront hard tasks head on, and manage stressful situations in healthy ways. This is a necessary component to successfully achieving long term sobriety. In order for a patient to overcome their addiction, they need to be able to implement their newly learned life skills and coping strategies. Statistics have indicated that the success rate for long-term sobriety is better if a patient completes an inpatient residential recovery program. They will be provided with the tools they need to build the framework for a life free from addiction.