When many people think of addiction rehabilitation they think of inpatient and residential addiction treatment programs. These two types of treatment programs are thought to be the most effective due to the intensity of their curriculums. Many individuals who participate in an inpatient program are in a hospital like setting that has around the clock surveillance. The residential addiction treatment programs are a little less intense, but still provide 24 hour assistance and require the patient to live in the monitored home environment. This requires participation in daily addiction treatment therapies and groups. Many times these two types of treatment programs require a minimum of a 30 day obligation. Often times the length of stay stretches into 60, and even 90 days.
There are many addicts who are in need of addiction treatment, but due to obligations and responsibilities are unable to live in the treatment facility for the duration of addiction treatment, which can range for one month to as much as several months. As such, outpatient treatment is a viable alternative for individuals who have obligations such as being parents or caretakers for relatives, having a job with an inflexible employment schedule, and other such restraints on availability. And although many experts have suggested that outpatient programs aren’t as effective as inpatient treatment, there are many outpatient programs that are designed to offer individual residential-level treatments with the flexibility and personalized aspects of a traditional outpatient program.
A standard outpatient addiction treatment program provides more support and guidance then a weekly rehab counseling session, or attending weekly meetings. This type of program isn’t as intense as an inpatient or residential setting rehabilitation program. A typical schedule for an outpatient addiction treatment program consists of attending multiple weekly sessions and spending a pre-determined amount of time at the facility each week. This includes 12 step programs, participation in different types of addiction therapies, and sober living support groups. It is recommended that candidates for outpatient addiction treatment have successfully completed medical detox. It is also highly recommended to complete a residential treatment program prior to entering an outpatient program but this is not a requirement.
Many outpatient addiction treatment programs incorporate much of the same group and individual therapy sessions that are part of the detox and inpatient program. The only difference is the patient attends these meetings on an outpatient basis. Outpatient programs include individual and group counseling, focused educational sessions, skills groups and self-help participation, and give clients access to alternative addiction therapies as well. Most outpatient programs consist of multiple day or evening sessions that are offered at different times throughout the week. It is highly recommended to have family involvement during the treatment process. The purpose of outpatient addiction treatment is to prepare the patient for a seamless and healthy transition back into society. This is accomplished by educating the addict on ways to cope with daily stressors without the use of drugs and alcohol.
There is also another level of outpatient addiction treatment called intensive outpatient addiction treatment. This level of treatment falls somewhere in between residential treatment and traditional outpatient addiction treatment. Many treatment centers are striving to provide clients with a level of addiction treatment comparable to a residential program. They do this by incorporating many of the same group and individual sessions that are offered as part of detox and residential programs, but on an outpatient basis. These programs are called intensive outpatient programs (IOP). IOP allows individuals to receive the highest quality treatment and care while being able to live outside of the facility and fulfill individual obligations. Clients participating in IOP will receive personalized treatment consisting of individual psychotherapy and group treatment, skills-building sessions, and the opportunity to participate in many of our constructive and recreational activities. These outpatient programs are focused on providing a comprehensive education that includes teaching tools that promote sustained recovery, an emphasis on counseling, and lessons on self-help and coping. They also encourage clients’ families to participate in the family sessions and counseling. This helps to foster understanding and constructive communication in each family unit.
Another perk of participating in Intensive Outpatient Treatment is being able to receive the innovative alternative addiction therapies. One of the most utilized is IV vitamin therapy. This is where a cocktail of vitamin is given through an IV. The Myers’ cocktail provides a powerful mix of essential vitamins and minerals. It is a safe and innovative therapy that supports the resolution of various health problems, one them being addiction. Receiving vitamins intravenously allows the addict’s body to recover faster, which leads to faster healing and better overall health.
Clients often arrive at the treatment center depleted of essential nutrients coupled with a lowered immune system. After completing the detoxification process clients are even further depleted as their body works overtime to rid itself of toxins and recover. Typically nutrients reach the cells in your body through the process of digestion. As your body digests food, the GI tract breaks it down and passes the nutrients to your blood through the intestinal lining. If your digestion is altered, your gut may not be able to process the nutrients, or it may simply excrete them without passing them along to the cells.
The benefit of the Myers’ cocktail is that it delivers powerful nutrients directly into the blood stream and bypasses any oral or intestinal absorption issues that one may have. As the nutrients enter the body the blood levels are instantly increased and the client can feel an immediate therapeutic response. IV vitamin therapy increases energy and improves mood thereby increasing overall health. These are all beneficial to long term addiction recovery.
IV Vitamin therapy is great for boosting health and immunity all while preventing illnesses. It has been used to treat a variety of chronic illnesses such as:
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Narcotic withdrawal symptoms
• Fatigue
• Infections
• Heart Disease
The Myers’ IV cocktail includes:
• Magnesium chloride –supports a healthy immune system and prevents inflammation
• Calcium gluconate – treats low blood calcium that helps build strong bones
• B complex – promotes healthy hair/skin and acts as stress reliever
• Vitamin C – is an antioxidant that fights cancer